Understanding and implementing educational approaches that integrate entrepreneurship and innovation in engineering education (CDIO Syllabus 4.1, 4.2, 5.2) plays a pivotal role as part of Technical University of Catalonia's (UPC) core strategic plan for the upcoming years. In engi- neering programs, educational models have evolved from teacher-guided to more "real world", challenged-based practical approaches (CDIO Standard 5) which increases the likelihood of engineering students becoming entrepreneurs. Scholarly research that assesses the validity of these new pedagogical models or that measures entrepreneurial throughput in a country is constantly growing, which makes staying up-to-date with relevant academic work an arduous task. Moreover, several systematic reviews have highlighted the shortcomings of traditional methodologies to synthesise primary studies in engineering education in this regard. We put forward a three-step methodology using mining techniques and statistical software that allows for a more refined identification of papers, with two improvements for a systematic review: 1) automatically identifying extended keywords and 2) ensuring relevant studies are not discarded, with a second iteration. We tested this methodology with literature of the last three decades, with a focus on papers that measure outcomes in engineering education. The initial results of our study revealed that surveys are the predominant measurement tool utilised to assess entrepreneurial skills, traits, intention, or mindset. However, there is a lack of agreement in the existing literature on the definitions of these terms. Furthermore, these initial results sug- gest the need for additional methods of measuring outcomes in Engineering Entrepreneurship programs.

Authors (New): 
Saül Garcia Huertes
Ramon Bragós
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC), Barcelona, Spain
Engineering education
Systematic Review
Outcomes Measurement
CDIO Standard 5
CDIO Standard 12
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